12th Annual GBE Luxury Hotel & Resort Forum April 15/16 2021 Shanghai. The UrCove Shanghai Pudong South Road Hotel, designed by logon.design, has won 2 GBE Awards at the 12th Annual GBE Luxury Hotel & Resort Forum:
"Excellent Interior: Hotel" GBE Awards 2021
“Excellent Renovation Hotel” GBE Awards 2021
UrCove is the new hotel brand jointly created by Hyatt and Home Inn Hotels. logon.design was commissioned to create and develop the brand design, including the first series of hotels. The Shanghai Pudong South Road UrCove Hotel which was awarded by GBE, was the first hotel to fully implement the brand and identity, and opened doors at the very beginning in late 2020.
We will publish more about the branding creation and design concept of Urcove Hotel. Please Stay tuned.