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Hexa International Plaza

Client : Hony Capital, AEW
Location : Beijing, China
Address : 9 North Chaoyangmen Street
Type : Office & Workspace,
Commercial & Lifestyle
Function : Office, Retail, F&B, Lifestyle
Service : Interior Design, Landscape
Design, Lighting Design
Status : Under Construction
Gross Building Area : 75,000 m²
Design Area : 5,300 m²

The location of the Hongshen building is very unique in Beijing. Along the second ring road, we have a very good visibility and a very good accessibility of the building. Our design concept for the building was based on the understand of the building, of the building’s location and the context. So, for that, we first optimized the space inside. We expanded the public spaces down to the basement, connected it all together, and gave it a great entrance, and also provided great experience for the users by connecting all the public spaces together. The design concept of the building was first to modernize the building, use current materials, glass, steel, reflective materials, very light materials to first bring the building into the 21st century, really make it a modern building, satisfy the current needs of daylight and the current needs of the users inside.
So these hexagonal elements, with a wood going down from the basement into the void, into the second ,3rd floor up there, is very strong and very important element to upgrade the lobby not only into a modern lobby, like many other buildings have, but also to maintain the local culture inside the building, by this combination of traditional elements in a very modern building, interior design. Very modern side, with the daylight coming in through the south lobby, through the south glass wall, we believe that this building has a very special character that if exactly reflects what is needed to do at this special location. We believe with our design now, we can not only bring the building back to its original quality, we can actually enhance the original quality, make it an even better building than before. QR.png
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