The comfortable and healthy SMART HOME by logon

Based on scientific research and experiences from Europe and China, logon has developed a concept for a comfortable and healthy SMART HOME. To test the concept and ensure the feasibility of applied technologies (or, in some cases, develop new technologies and applications as available products failed), logon Creative Director Frank has turned his own apartment into an experimental home.

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Multiple sensors in each room and outdoor constantly monitor temperature, humidity, air quality(CO2, PM2.5 (testing period)), brightness and solar radiation. Based on this data, the server operates all systems to ensure ideal air quality and reduce energy consumption. Indoor relative humidity is controlled between 40 and70%RH. Air quality (CO2) is maintained at very good at levels below 750ppm, while the notorious PM2.5 indoor air quality is excellent - we measure only7ug/m3 compared to 69ug/m3 outdoors -thanks to 4-layer air filters for both fresh and return air.

At what temperature did do you usually set your air conditioner or heater? The comfortable and healthy SMART HOME temperature is set and controlled at 20.5°C (if somebody is at home and in the room). This seems low, but our initial settings at 21.0°C proofed to be too high - we did not sleep well, and all visitors complained it was too hot (in winter!).