To kick off the year 2020 with the right foot, logon.design is happy to announce three newly finished projects. These projects are categorized in office modernization, hotel regeneration and new built architecture. After this preview, we are about to get in to the juicy part of each project and share how logon manage each challenges with our operational mindset. Stay tuned!

Urban Regeneration
JK 1933 (formerly Suzhou Creek Maolian Mansion), a regeneration project by logon.design has been completed for business leasing. The project is located on the northern bank of Suzhou Creek, No. 1040 North Suzhou Road. There are two buildings in the site: the Maolian Mansion on the south part is a historic preservation building. The Mansion was built in 1933 as the office and stack warehouse for Band of China; as well as there is an office building on the north which was a plant. The two buildings are designed with consistent style while different methods. Giving the historical buildings a new positioning, logon renovated them into creative boutique office buildings with some retail.

CONNEX Mingyue
Mingyue Connex, a regeneration project by logon.design has been completed for operation. The project is located at No. 500 Gushan Road, Pudong New Area. The building was established in 1995 and renovated for the first time in 2008. It had been used as a hotel for ten years since logon received the project in 2018. Originally as a hotel, it was positioned to a vertical commercial complex, including commercial, office, and apartment functions after regeneration. The building also equipped with co-working space to improve the service system.